Logistics Support

Orion Solutions provides valuable support services for military logistics operation and we assure that your operations run effectively, timely and efficiently.

Our expertise in planning and management of materials, services, and information make us a valuable partner for any logistics effort.

  • Field Problem Analysis
  • Strategic Planning
  • Needs Assessment
  • Systems Assessment
  • Technical Procedures and Manuals Development
  • Maintenance Procedures Development
  • Inventory and Asset Management
  • Spares Management
  • Facilities Management
  • Acquisition and Life Cycle Management
  • Warehouse and Storage Facility Operation and Management
  • Program Management / Project Management
  • Material and Supplies Acquisition and Management
  • Systems Engineering Services

Logistics Assessment and Analysis

Our Subject Matter Experts are able to review and analyze procedures to assure logistics operations are being performed on the most effective and efficient manner. Orion Solutions reviews current and future needs, then define objectives, develop strategies and establish procedures.

Procedures Development

Orion is experienced in designing technical procedures and guidelines for successful and efficient logistics operations. We take assessments of current processes and develop procedures, manuals and technical documentation that creates streamlined processes and efficient methods for managing logistics operations.

Operations and Management

Orion is capable of handling the operations and management of warehousing, storage, and maintenance facilities.